Sunday, 9 June 2013

District Teacher Educators DTES Job, Education Department Govt Punjab 9 June

District Teacher Educators DTES Job, Education Department Govt Punjab 9 June
 District Teacher Educators DTES Job, Education Department Govt Punjab 9 June
Directorate of Staff Development has developed a Continuous Professional Development Programme for training and professional development of public school teachers in Punjab. For implementation of the Programme, Cluster Training & Support Centres (CTSCs) have been established in each district with one or more District Teacher Educators (DTEs) at each centre. The DTEs would be responsible for training, mentoring, professional development of teachers and whole school improvement of the schools attached with the clusters.
Applications are invited from suitable candidates from amongst the SSTs/SSEs, ESTs I SESEs and PSTs / ESEs who are regular employees of Education Department, Government of the Punjab for placement as District Teacher Educator, through transfer at the CTSCs already notified by Education Department in the district Gujranwala – on following terms & conditions, “for Every DTE will be appointed at a specified cluster centre on the basis of merit and his / her willingness. For female schools / clusters, preference would be given to female candidates. In same gender, preference will be given to Science graduates, for The post of DTE is cluster specific and non-transferable.
Maximum duration for the post of DTE is three years. DSD, however, reserve a right to repatriate a DTE at any time on administrative grounds, for No study leave is allowed during the tenure.Regular Teacher of School Education Department at least in BS-9.
Age not more than 40 years on closing date of application i.e. 24-06-2013
Rs. 3000/- as incentive pay.
+ Rs. 1500/- as mobility allowance in addition to his /her regular pay and allowances as public schoolteacher.
DTE will be responsible for:
1.    Training coordination, mentoring & assessment of Teachers.
2.    Whole school improvement in the schools attached with his/her Cluster Centre.
3.    Any other duty assigned by DSD. Job entails regular visits to the schools attached with a cluster.
Head Teachers, Head Designates, Physical Education Teachers (PETs), Arabic Teachers (ATs), Computer Teachers and Drawing Masters (DMs) and those working on administrative posts as AEOs are not eligible to apply for these posts. Only short listed candidates shall be called for interview.
Candidates shall present original documents, along with the set of attested photocopies of all relevant documents at the time of interview. No TA/DA shall be paid for test / interview.
DSD reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of posts or cancel the recruitment process at any stage.Hand written applications along with attested copies of certificates & degrees may be submitted to the Executive District Officer (Education) district Gujranwala on or before 24-06-2013For any further information, please feel free to call Head of District Training & Support Centre Muhammad Iqbal Uppal Phone No. 0553-882718, Husnain Mubashar Cheema T.E. (A&F) 0331-2880329.

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